The equestrian sport everyone recognizes as "dancing". Graceful movements and precise geometry make dressage fun to ride and fun to watch.
An olympic sport like a triathalon. Riders compete in three phases and try not to accumulate faults or penalties. The horse & rider team with the lowest score wins.
Special Olympics
Special Olympics Ohio offers competitive opportunities at many levels. Athletes can have the added support of volunteers for safety. The most independent riders can walk, trot, canter and jump! Riders must have a documented intellectual disability to participate.
Part the team!
Our riders are athletes learning to be part of a team. Team members volunteer to help eachother, prep horses, learn courses and cheer eachother on.
Do I have to try out for the team?
Does everyone compete?
When can I start competing in horse shows?
How do I know what horse shows are right for me?
How do I register for a horse show?
Why compete?
How can I sponsor the team or an event at Trinity Farm
Where is the horse show schedule for this year?
I currently compete on the team... Can you make all of the info & links really easy to find?
What We Do
Dressage is series of geometric and artistic movements that are scored based upon accuracy and fluency. Dressage is most frequently described as "dancing" and should give the impression that the horse and rider are working as one.
Show Jumping
Show Jumping is a timed competition where a horse and rider must clear a series of jumps in the correct order, without knocking them down. Riders are rewarded for meeting the optimum time. (Not too fast OR too slow that would make it difficult to jump safely.)
Cross Country
Cross Country is a timed competition where horses and riders must clear a series of natural obstacles, such as logs, brush or water. Riders are rewarded for meeting the optimum time. (Not too fast OR too slow that would make it difficult to jump safely.)
Showmanship is a demonstration of horse handling in a pattern. Judges look for accuracy, confidence and safety.
Reach your goals!
Our local horse show association and Special Olympics allow for our riders to choose the level and activities that are the best fit.
Example: Independent & supported riders can choose to jump poles on the ground at the walk and can add to the height or level of difficulty when they are ready.
Independent & Supported
Our riders enjoy the flexibility and dignity that comes from learning a sport that has been adapted for their individual goals and ability level.
Competitive options exsist at every level.
Part of a team!
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